Episode 006 - When Anxiety Shows Up, Here's How To Show It Out...

Last week Carlos and Heather left you in on the worst week of their lives…

This week, however, Carlos fills you in on the blessing that was waiting for them a few hours after they finished recording this podcast.

A blessing bigger than anything they could have imagined!


In the middle of this blessing, Carlos comes at you with some authenticity that may surprise you.

Even after the blessing, anxiety began to rise in his heart.

How do you handle the anxiety when it rises?

Carlos gives you 5 myths and 5 facts that will help you FEEL better.

Carlos gives you 4 tools to you daily when anxiety rises.

Carlos gives you 3 tests that you can learn to keep anxiety at bay.

This is a very practical episode that will give you tools to use every single day.

Follow Carlos @loswhit on Instagram to keep up with more Human Hope.