Episode 039 - Canadian Pride, Deconstructing Faith, & How To Avoid Burnout with Carey Nieuwhof

I know I have a lot of people who don’t see faith the same way I do and I love that. Today I introduce you to one of my most trusted and safe friends. Safe for wherever you are on your faith journey…

Carey Nieuwhof is a pastor from north of Toronto, Canada who is one of those I would send the most skeptical of doubters to.

Not because he will convince you not to be skeptical…

But because he will simply love you for you.

On today’s show Carey unpacks what it means to him to have Canadian pride, how he grew up in a post Christian environment and where he sees the deconstructing of American evangelicalism fitting into our story, and shares his story on burning out and helps us avoid those very same pitfalls…

You can find out more about Carey at ⁠https://careynieuwhof.com/⁠ and you can follow him on socials @careynieuwhof

And no I’ve never been able to spell his name bu heart.